Thursday, October 5, 2023

the addams family play 2023 ankeny iowa

The Addams Family - Ankeny Community Theatre 

This is a play all about keeping vows be they sacred or not, and if you are what people deem "odd" can one still love? 8 out of 10. I will say this for it, It did give a shout out to cousin it by one of the others mistaking him for a "mothman in a bowler's hat." Or when 3 of them did a "Goodnight" joke from Les Miserables. Or when fester pulled a Honeymooner's retort from Jackie Gleason's Ralph Cramdon saying, " To the moon Alice". And lastly there was no Cleopatra Morticia's beloved Venus Fly Trap pet, Wednesday didn't put her brother on a rack to stretch him out. Gomez didn't have his bed of spikes, but they did put a mold of the decapitated hand known as thing on his shoulder and instead of cousin it... he called thing "old man". And lastly the zombie butler Lurch would always boom " YOU RANG" whenever the doorbell rang. He didn't do that he just grunted. That's why I found out having cousin it and lurch would be a task even for a play because,lurch grunts and cousin it gibbers his speech. So there's that I guess.

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