Sunday, June 18, 2017

Transformers: the last knight

Sir Edward Burton: It has been said.....through the ages "without sacrifice there can be no victory". Two spices at flesh, one metal One hundred billion trillion planets in the cosmos. You want to know, don't you, why they keep coming here? And now two worlds colliding, only one survives.
Now, it's time, time for a war that nobody wanted. Friends will become enemies and enemies will become friends. Who will win us or the robots. Time is all that we have on our side
9 out of 10

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

cars 3

This is Lightning McQueen's deciding time. Is it over for good or is the legend of speed still alive? With an all-star cast from the popular racing syndicate NASCAR and a mock up of the Indy500 McQueen is gladly ready to say "I'm done when I say so". 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Mummy reboot

Forget Brenden Fraiser, John Hannah, Marria Bello pr even Julia Louise Dreyfuss.
this was none of that this is the same movie but a reboot with tom cruise and a female mummy to start of a whole reboot string of the 1970's monsterverse in an upbeat current form. my movie goer side liked it but my critic side gives this a 4 out of much of a rollercoaster