Saturday, November 22, 2014

the book of life

The book of life follows a tale of 2 brothers voiced by Diego Luna and  Channing Tatum who madly fall in love with a girl named Maria voiced by Zoe Saldana on the day of the dead festival. and to give it a little flair Ron Perlman voices you guessed it the devil while J-lo voices a security guard with something very mysterious up her sleeve. I give this a 10 out of 10 fun for the whole family. You don't have to be Spanish to enjoy this one.


Questions to ponder, what will life be like when we have no more oxygen on planet earth so we are forced to move to planets outside our known solar system? Will we make new friends? Will the races or climate there take a liking to us? This movie answers just that. This is definitely an Oscar winning movie for Matthew McCaughey besides him it has some very familiar actors with roes and cameos.
I give this a 9 out of 10 some parts are sketchy some are belivable but all in all it was a good movie.