Monday, March 25, 2019


Disney Live Action Dumbo One-sheet Poster
 Milly Farrier: [from sneak peek] Hi, baby Dumbo, welcome to the circus. We're all family here, no matter how small.
Have you ever been picked on, just for a birth defect? What about losing a loved one? That's what this is all about 1. nothing can ever stop the love that a mother holds for her child and 2. finding the inner strength within. We all have that special reason to carry on...... this movie reminds us that it's one thing to have it and it's another thing to act on it. 10 out of 10

Friday, March 8, 2019

Luke Perry dead at 53

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Yesterday the star of CW's Riverdale and well known Beverly Hills 90210 star died Monday of an apparent stroke he was 53. This great actor well be missed.