Saturday, July 30, 2016

Angus Scrimm tribute
 In the way of horror when people talk about Angus Scrimm, they will think The Tall Man from Phantasm or the demonic traveling evangelical priest from the Poltergeist movies. But that is not all he is noted for. Early in in career he was a Journalist who wrote and had a hand at editing for numerous Magazines such as TV Guide, Cinema Magazine and the Los Angeles Herald Examiner. In the music Industry he is credited for doing Linear notes for such acts as Frank Sinatra, Arthur Rubinstein, The Beatles and Violinist Itzhak Perlman under the name Lawrence or Rory Guy.  Some of his TV work includes playing an agent on the TV series Alias called SD-6 and also being the narrator on the hit show Family Guy on one of their seasonal Christmas episodes.   

Friday, July 29, 2016

star wars rebels season 3

Image result for star wars rebels season 3 poster

This may infact  be the last season because of rogue one that will be out this December which will tie episode 3 and 4 together. That is unless Disney wants to spawn off tales from the expanded universe into a TV series.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Star Trek: Beyond/ R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy and Anton Yelchin

Image result for star trek beyond official poster

Image result for anton yelchin death
This movie was good as movies go. But the franchise in general has made an awkward turn for the weird. As the old franchise showed space wars confronting enemies and discovering new worlds, this new franchise deals with much of the same thing......but almost all the enemies so far have been Starfleet captain's and their crews who have gone rogue. Thinking the federation has lost all trust in them, and of course who gets caught in the middle. None other than the U.S.S. Enterprise, like I said not saying this was a bad movie at all. But I have read some of the prequel comics in the bookstore, and the comic storylines stay true to the 1960's TV series. If they could only fit situations like that in the movies they green light for the silver screen that would make for a cool movie. What I'm trying to say is that this is supposed to be star trek through a younger perspective. That doesn't mean it has to be an outer space revolutionary war. Keep the same ideals, just with new actors. 8 out of 10 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Nerve is a new game set in the future that let's you play for cash with only one thing to it. You have to keep playing if you wish to keep your life!

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Cell is a limited movie by stephen king where he goes back into his horror roots. A certain virus in Cellphones takes hold of the human population turning them into mindless zombies.

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Secret Life Of Pets

Gidget: Hey, Max.
Max: Hey, Gidget.
Gidget: Any plans today?
Max: Yes. Big, big stuff today, Gidget. I got big plans. I'm gonna sit here and I'm gonna wait for Katie to come back.
Gidget: Oh, that sounds exciting. Well, I won't interrupt. I've got a very busy day too.

What do pets do when we leave them alone? Do they find things to bide their time, who knows. This will give you the answer to the question that has perplexed us for a long time. And before the movie there is a short with those lovable Minions called Mowing day. 9 out of 10.