Monday, August 15, 2022


Exclusive: Apple TV+ Drops New 'Land of Luck' Poster Art | Animation World  Network

I am groot

I Am Groot': Branch Out With New Posters From the Series | Marvel 

Just a set of shorts from marvel about how everybodys single phrased wonder grows up and experiences life

the prey

THE PREY: Legend of Karnoctus (2022) - IMDb 

Prey for the Hunted...

A squad of navy seals are sent  to seek out the Taliban in afganistan. But unknowingly bump into a cave and get more than they bargained for

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Thirteen lives

Thirteen Lives (2022) - IMDb 


secret headquarters

Secret Headquarters (2022) - IMDb 

a group of kids find out that their best friend's dad is harboring a secret that could mean the fate of the world .

a league of their own 22

A League of Their Own (2022 TV series) - Wikipedia 

This is not the movie,But it does have the Rockford Peaches in it. What this series does is brings to life, what did it feel like to look at the very first start of women's baseball? Caution for anybody quick to get mad.....this follows some segregation issues, gender bashing and the biggest taunt of all from the old days.......Baseball is no place for a woman! This is the story of how females decided to get into a mans face and say WATCH ME! 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Lego star wars summer vacation

See the source image 

Prepare for all your friends to hop aboard the new star wars land Imperial Star Cruiser and enjoy a summer vacation on the remote beach planet straight from Rogue One Scarif. With special guest singer ....the Polka man himself, Weird Al Yankovich! 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Predator: Prey

See the source image 

This chapter is a time bender going way back to the days of the waring Indian tribes. Back to the era of the comanche. Who will win a game against warrior vs. warrior? 10 out of 10 Schwarzenegger approved.

Where the crawdads sing

See the source image