Max is a movie about a dog that mourns the loss of his owner in the midst of the Afghanistan war. But soon after the fact he learns from a boy, his family and his friends that life does in fact go on as the boy and the dog bond through the weeks Max finally realizes that he has found his calling in this new master. Max is a retired marine service dog in the movie, but there happen to be millions of other service dogs.
Service Dogs - An Assistant Dog that can perform a variety of tasks such as retrieve items, open doors, help a person dress or push buttons for its handler. Service Dog is a general term that can be used for many types of assistance dogs.
Mobility Dogs – An Assistant Dog may retrieve items, open doors or even push buttons for its handler. Also, this Service Animal may assist people with disabilities with walking, balance and transferring from place to place.
Hearing Dogs – An Assistant Dog that will alert its handler with a hearing loss to sounds. This can be telephone, doorbell, smoke alarm, crying baby and more.
Seizure Alert Dogs - An Assistant Dog that alerts its handler to oncoming seizures and is trained to respond to those seizures. (Can be known as Medical Alert Dog)
Seizure Response Dogs – An Assistance Dog that responds to its handler after a seizure has occurred by helping or getting help from others.
Medical Alert Dogs – An Assistant Dog that is trained to alert to oncoming medical conditions, or attend its handler in the event of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, epilepsy, etc. These dogs can also alert a person to a chimerical sensitivity and direct the individual away from the danger.
Autism Service Dogs – An Assistance Dog that is trained to alert its handler of certain behaviors so that the handler may keep these behaviors to a minimum. This dog provides stability and the dog’s presence offers a calming influence and provides focus. Abstract and concrete thinking advance, focus improves, and the length of attention span increases. The important role of an autism service dog is affording the individual more independence and autonomy, helping those individuals becomes a viable part of the community.
Mental Health Service Dogs: An assistant dog that works with a handler that has a mental disability. Some types of tasks could be to attend a handler who may need a dog to be able to go out in public (agoraphobic), or a handler who suffers from. Panic attacks, anxiety attack, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or other mental health disorders. These dogs are trained NEVER to leave their handler's side except for when required by their handers. And an honorable mention service dog........
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