Saturday, September 29, 2018

Eddie Brock: Everyone's got their thing! Maybe it's a break-up. A death. An accident. Whatever it is, you used to be one thing. Now, you're something else. We all have our own problems. Our own issues. Our own... demons!
A simple minded man having troubles with the trials and tribulations of life gets his head in neck deep when he is to become an alien's host gaining superpowers beyond belief, remember this is a Marvel movie. So see if you can spot Stan the man in the movie,as always........and stay tuned after part of the credits to get another scene and after all the credits to get a sneak peek on spider-man into the spider-verse with a scene with Miles Morales as the ultimate spiderman in a reality where Peter Parker is declared dead! 8 0ut of 10.
a house with a clock in it's walls

Jonathan Barnavelt: There's a clock in the walls. We don't know what it does, except... something horrible.
Lewis Barnavelt discovers when he moves in with his Uncle Jonathan that his family is a little weirder than he might imagine. 8 out of 10.
Sunday, September 23, 2018

A new show by the creator of law and order will follow the many exploits and cases of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on a day to day basis
Friday, September 14, 2018
predator 2018 reboot/sequel

The predator : Hello, I have enjoyed watching you kill each other. Now you are twelve only. Among you, I detect one who is a true warrior the one called McKenna he will be your leader.....He will be my prize. All are targets, targets run......I offer time advantage,GO!
It's back! And this time their race is finding a way how to become more and more like us. The predator is coming for it's yearly hunt and this time, someone called it! 8 out of 10.
Friday, September 7, 2018
burt reynolds dies at 82

Burt Reynolds died of cardiac arrest today, his breakout movie he is best known for is smokey and the bandit.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Spirit riding free

OK here's a show that I have been watching from a certain Matt Damon narrated movie. Yes friends, Spirit is back! No longer harassed by wranglers or poachers. Although his Indian friend is gone he has found friendship in another way, that of 3 girls and this time his mate has found an owner of her own..... It's back for more frolicking and fun times in the wilderness in these new adventures on Netflix that started in 17 to the present.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Sunday, September 2, 2018
the NUN

Pray For Forgiveness
The demon called Valac is a minor demon that is first described in the fifteenth century Latin grimore.
Munich Manual of Demonic Magic Liber incantationum, exorcismorum et fascinationum variarum
CLM 849). The “Volach entry in the manuscript describes Volach as
a cherubic two winged boy riding a two headed dragon.The entry also claims that Valac can be invoked to find hidden treasures and control serpents. Unlike many other demons Valac is believed to travel alone even though several other grimores say he claims thirty on thirty eight legions of demons. Because of the linkage to treasure, this demon,historically is one of the most frequent summoned demons. However any advice has very negative results such as payment. Following The Munich Manual, The Book Of The Office Of Spirits (Liber Officorum Spiritsuum) is the next major Grimore to mention Valac. In this work Valac is one of the twenty-seven named demons. The next significant reference to Valac appears in the appendix referencing a hierarchy of demons (pseudomonarchia daemonum) in the 1577 Johann Weyer book, De praestgilis daemonum. The Book Of Office Spirits seems to be the primary source of his work. The entry in the list of 69 demons has the name "President" Volac as the Fiftieth entry out of the sixty-nine. The title of "President" should not interfere since most of the entries are kings,nobles,presidents et al. Parallel to the Weyer book three others contributed to a book called The Book Of Oberon (Circa 1577) In Oberon there is a demon named Cooler, which maybe another name for Valac the entry reads as follows: Cooler, a greate prince, he appeareth like a child, he hath whings liken to a gooshawke and he rideth a dragone that hath two heades and he giveth ansuwers for hid treasure he hath under him 13 Legions. The Oberon used The Office Book Of Spirits as it's primary source using all of it's contents (even those included in Weyers book). In 1854 Reginold Scot published one of the earliest known books to mention Valac. Scot's grimore The discovorie of Witchcraft reproduced the entry for Valac which reads as follows: Valac is a great presidente, and cometh abroad with angels wings like a boie, riding on a twoheaded dragon, he perfectlie answereth of treasure hidden, and where serpents maybe seene,which he delivereth into conjourers hands, void of ane source or strength, and hath dominion over thirtie legions of divels. The most cited apperances of Valac is in the 17th century in the book The Lesser Key Of Solomon. The Lesser Key in many ways is just a collection of the Weyer book combined with Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim 's Three Books of Occult Philosophy thethiteeth century grimore allegedly written by Pietro d'Abano called the Heptameron and the 1620 grimoire Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum. With many differing versions of the work still existing, it is important to note that Valac is also referred to as Ualac, Valak, and Valu.While there are several error and omission in the Lesser Key when compared to Weyer, for the most part, the Weyer frame work is followed. One change for Valac is found when “President Valac” is demoted from fiftieth to sixty-second out of seventy-two). This seems to be the result of four additional demons being added, one (Pruflas) . To being said whomever knows not about Valac should probably see the 2nd Conjuring. 8 out of 10.
Saturday, September 1, 2018
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