OK. first off this is not and I strongly repeat NOT a movie for children. Yes it is true this may be a Muppet movie but this isn't your cheery help me count or kindness is the best method type movie. this movie is geared towards us the adults of the kids,or if you are a young adult that would be fine to.
The reason I say as such is because yes, Jim Henson may have came up with the child geared muppts that we all love during the 20's- the present. But what nobody knew is that way back in his heyday it wasn't his intention to come out with child favored muppts. He started out doing improv, only geared towards the adult population. But in time that started getting old and the ratings started dropping so he decided maybe if he tuned his muppets towards kids and adults alike maybe he could get better views. Only then, is when Jim Henson's family oriented muppets were born. But his improv company was a group called HA! Entertainment, this is one of those....... this is a buddy cop movie between human and muppet alike. 6 out of 10