1. Heaven on their minds: Judas Iscariot wonders why instead of living every disciple of his is thinking about joining Jesus forever, even til death.
2. What's the buzz/ Strange thing mystifying: Everybody wants to know when the lord will act on his actions and his response is why do you want to know, focus on the here and now/ While Mary Magdalene and Jesus are comforting each other, Judas trys to tell him you are the son of god and she is but a lowly peasant. No match, then in a burst of anger Jesus tells Judas to leave her alone OR ELSE! And the people start rejecting and he tells everyone to back off!
3. Everything's alright: Jesus is sitting outside the temple and Mary's runs back through the crowd telling him she will always be there for him. Meanwhile Judas comes back and still stating your love life is meaningless it won't work! Jesus fires back at him saying think that now, but when I'm gone you'll be on you're knees wishing I wasn't dead.
4. This Jesus must die! Every Ceaser in Jerusalem has a meeting inside the Colosseum and comes to the final decision that the lord and savior must be put to death!
5. Hosanna: Everybody starts chanting Christ's name in Hebrew as he trudges down the street.
Simon Zealotes/ Poor Jerusalem: Everybody raves Jesus in praise of his grace, meanwhile the city starts falling on hard times as Christ gives his first lesson, the only way to understand death is through me.
6. Pilate's dream: Pontious Pilate dream's of the lord's judgement.
7. The Temple: Every single thief, prostitute, con man and leech flock to Jesus's temple thirsty for, greed,sex and trouble making our savior finds this out and in a fury he orders them all to leave saying "my temple is a place for worship not blasphemy"! Then Jesus reflects that his time is drawing near. Then everyone who is diseased,blind etc. begs Jesus to correct the problem try as he must they surrond him until he can't take it anymore.
8. Everything's alright (reprise): Mary roams around the temple gardens having second thoughts and beginning to wonder if everything really is alright. Jesus sadly gives up looking at Mary like "What's it worth, nobody accepts me or loves me anymore"? But Mary clings to faith.
9. I don't know how to love him: Mary starts crying finally finding out, does she REALLY know how to love a god?
10. Dammed for all time/ Blood Money: Judas wonders if betraying the one and only person he held true to was actually worth it or not.
11. The last supper: Jesus tells the people denoting the wine and bread are ritualistically his blood and his body and tells them to eat of if you wish everlasting life in the eyes of god, but then he takes it back wondering if they are honestly worthy of doing so yet.
12. Gethsemane (I only want to say): Jesus wants what's best for the people but in a rage he declares to his father "If you wish to kill me, get it over with and be done with it"!
13. The arrest: Judas leads the guards to Jesus hoping to get his prize,betraying him with a kiss on his cheek, Jesus wonders why he would do that and tries to hug Judas but soon Judas is ripped away from Jesus and wrestled to the ground by Herod's elite guards and Judas gets belted in the face by the senior guard.JNN wants Jesus opinion on the situation hes in.
Peter's denial: Peter traverses Galilee getting hounded by the JNN news team trying to tell the reporters he has no clue who on earth this "holy one" is.
14. Pilate and Christ: Pontious Pilate says he see's no wrong doings that Jesus is marked for, but every person around him clearly wants him crucified. Pilate gives up and leaves him in the hands of king Herod.
15. King Herod's song: Herod gets his chance to meet the "Almighty king of the Jews" Herod gives him one last final chance to tell the truth admitting that he is just a simpleton in rags. Jesus refuses to talk.
16. Could we start again,please? Mary, Peter and Judas plead for a do over......finding that the decisions they made are final and there sadly is no going back.
17. Judas's death: Judas runs from Herod's guards, knowing his time on this earth is done.
18. Trial before Pilate (including the 39 lashes): Jesus is sent once again to Pilate, Pilate still wanting to know why Jesus is guilty. The mad crowd doesn't care, they just want blood. Pilate sighs and binds his hands and feet ready for 39 severe lashes to the back.
19. Superstar:This is the theme song for tonight's event.
20. Crucifixion: The time for Jesus on this earth is done,he is crucified and allows his death and is sent to heaven.
John Nineteen Forty One (Instrumental) : Jesus descends into heaven